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Whether you see it as good or bad, artificial intelligence (AI) looks here to stay, with profound impacts for almost every corner of human activity. Even before the arrival of ChatGPT, HKU scholars were probing its potential – from developing and adapting their own AIs, to exploring the potential for drug discovery and access, to considering the legal and policy implications for innovation. They have also been considering AI’s effects on creativity and its potential to harm. Needless to say, their explorations have only just begun.

更多 Game-Changer
港大化學專家獲頒 2020 年度 Porter Medal

港大化學專家獲頒 2020 年度 Porter Medal

香港大學黃乾亨黃乾利基金教授(化學與能源)及化學系講座教授任詠華教授獲頒授 2020 年度 Porter Medal 獎章,以彰顯其在光化學領域作出的貢獻。

更多 港大化學專家獲頒 2020 年度 Porter Medal
港大在教資會「2020 年研究評審工作」取得佳績

港大在教資會「2020 年研究評審工作」取得佳績

港大在大學教育資助委員會(教資會)月公布的「2020 年研究評審工作」結果中取得佳績。港大有 945 位教研人員參與評審,當中有百分之七十五的研究成果被評為「世界領先」或「國際卓越」水平。

更多 港大在教資會「2020 年研究評審工作」取得佳績

