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Pet Project

Pet Project

Four-legged robots have a problem. What happens when one of their legs breaks or stops operating? Research by Professor Lu Peng is providing a solution that is also taking these robots further along the path to being truly interactive.

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When Foreign Governments Meddle in Elections

When Foreign Governments Meddle in Elections

Both the US and Russia have strong track records of meddling in foreign elections, including each other’s. In a year when billions of people are voting, Professor Dov Levin offers a timely overview of the methods and consequences of such interventions.

更多 When Foreign Governments Meddle in Elections
Solitary Lives – The Global Epidemic of Loneliness

Solitary Lives – The Global Epidemic of Loneliness

Late last year, the World Health Organization launched a new commission tasked with assessing loneliness “as a pressing public health threat”. The announcement came on a groundswell of research showing loneliness can worsen mental and physical health. HKU researchers have been studying the scale and nature of the problem, and possible solutions.

更多 Solitary Lives – The Global Epidemic of Loneliness

